
Because you’re 14 and they’re Real Artists who make Serious Music, of course.

I live in London in Ecuador.

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I thought so too, but actually, it’s how the original was (mis-)spelled.

The BTS performance was impressive. I feel like Pete Davidson did some reall hard work on his Avenatti impression, and while good for us for not having to deal with Avenatti more, sucks for him to not have more opportunities to show it off.

According to Alan Elliott, Aretha had a love-hate relationship with the footage. On one hand, it’s one of her greatest performances ever, captured on camera. On the other, she had been promised that she would become a film star thanks to this. For Warner Bros, it was supposed to be the big follow-up movie to Woodstock,

As an editor, this is one of those things that you take for granted when working in digital mediums. With film editing there were no left right keys to nudge clips, you literally had to sync one frame of thousands. There may also have been over crank/drifting issues so I can only imagine what kind of mess it was to

He had 5 cameramen shooting at once. Allegedly, 4 of the 5 failed to use clappers across 2 days. Allegedly, Pollock had never been in a position where he needed to use 5 cameras at once, filming something that couldn’t be replicated or checked against a script.

Interestingly, Plastique provided more context to her comment in an Instagram post.

Here’s what really confuses me: why didn’t Badelaide give her ending monologue explaining everything back when she had everyone cornered in their living room? And if she really wanted them to suffer, she could’ve sown distrust among Adelaide’s own family, and that would’ve set up a much cooler arc.

There’s plenty to unpack in terms of the imagery and allegory.

I’m glad it happened near the end honestly. While I don’t think it was necessary, for me if it had happened earlier the logistics of it would have bothered me throughout the movie. As is, it brought up questions for me that we’ll likely never get the answers for and I’m cool with that.

I only walked out of the cinema an hour ago so I’m still mulling over exactly what I thought of the film, and especially the twist, but I don’t think it destroys any possible allegory. I interpret the film as a commentary on the social class system, with the Tethered, not unsubtly, representing the underclass. ‘Fake’

I feel split on Joel McHale. I think he offered generally good critiques and praise to the girls, but he overestimated how much bro energy was needed on this show. I must say, I was thoroughly entertained by every shot of Michelle giving him side eye.

I think A.A. is giving an honest review. I can enjoy a lot of movies by “turning off my brain,” but that doesn’t mean their enjoyability merits an A rating.

Santa Cruz native checking in here as well - I’m pretty excited to see Santa Cruz on the big screen again (though apparently the Boardwalk’s in Bumblebee as well). This is set to be the most terrifying movie set in SC since Ten Inch Hero.

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But a J-Lo LSFYL after they failed a challenge about Mariah was...

That was a great extemporaneous recovery from a minor flub.

Silky stacked the deck. That’s the only reason why that happened.

I’m so shocked to see people here shrugging Manila’s unjust send-off. First of all, can we clock that rough mug Naomi beat on her best Judy? (Let’s be fucking honest with ourselves.)

That was preeetty specific South Philly, as someone currently sitting in an apartment in South Philly.