hoof art editorial

Not saying it couldn’t be malware, but from my research it seems to just be shitty ads not being checked for being shitty. I run into them a lot searching for recipes.

Can’t tell if it’s unique or just unrefined, interested to see the finished product.

I didn’t even realize that Destiny 1 had the same “locked out of content after the first expansion” situation that Destiny 2 replicated. After I read that on a reddit thread, I realized I had been had. I’m glad I sold my disc back to get some money back. IF I even play the game again (I really enjoyed Destiny 1 PVP),

Fine, but please stop saying:

My dad has had the 2005 Toyota Highlander v6 hybrid since that year and it’s a great car.

At least the trunk looks like a mazda! :)


That was a fun thing to go through though. At first I was like, oh shit Kylo and Rey gonna be grey but it turns out Kylo was the first true Sith badass to hide his true plan and overthrow his master while attempting to seduce Rey with power, FeelsBadThenUltimatelyGoodMan.tga

Thank god they nerfed pulse grenades. Playing against them was very tiring.

No ticket.

Here’s the original source poster, US propaganda from WWII... Kinda sours the message for me.

I remember when PS3 was touted as the first console that would be able to do 1080p at 60fps... took another generation to get THAT, and we still aren’t guaranteed 60fps. I’d actually take lower resolution with higher fps, I feel it enhances gameplay more than extra shadows.

Get two. One for flying and one for beating drug tests. Just make sure to label them.

Get two. One for flying and one for beating drug tests. Just make sure to label them.


Checks out.

Some say the trunk is still open to this day.

This is next level stuff. If you don’t like if you can stay on the current level. Plaid mode bro. Next. Level.

He finally unsuspended his suspending suspension? Or did he suspend his unsuspension’s suspension to suspend a suspending unsuspension?