hoof art editorial

You hope both teams hit each other to death and the series just ends

I thought Wade played like crap tonight, but maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention to when he wasn’t turning the ball over or not playing defense.

It was actually Corey Feldman.

You only YOLO once.


Joins white sox, falls asleep, retires.

Now playing

Were they speaking English? Because some asian languages have words that sound like the N-word.

While on the highway, when someone is cruising in the left lane, in my blind spot. DRIVES ME INSANE

I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Good God, y’all

A nice butt with the right lighting but is just implants.

The Garfield

You speak the highlight truth.

I’m skeptical, the animation seems off. Also turned it off when I saw the card system.

I would argue it’s the best film in the franchise, followed by the first one. Why? It was was supposed to be the last one... the last “sequel” to cash in on the name alone, and it’s better for it. No stupid Vin Diesel “this is family” face. Just a southern kid drifting in Japan to escape Tim the Toolman Taylor’s son.


If I could take back the time I wasted on College Pro Painters...

I think I see a cigarette