hoof art editorial

Scarlett Johansson

So much piss.

Is there info on a definitive DVD version? I have a DVD verison, just want to make sure it’s correct.

Is there info on a definitive DVD version? I have a DVD verison, just want to make sure it’s correct.

Death penalty.

If his butt was right near the rim it would have done the job.

He’s sober, for one. Also he did some Stella Shorts with Stella if you know what that is. I think he’s more normal of a person than you’re probably used to.

My (white) parents (I’m white) have misused that word for my whole life as a self deprecating term meaning “hard headed” or “won’t easily budge” and I tried correcting them once but it’s just too late. To be fair my mom was from rural Missouri and it probably got lost in translation over the years. I was curious if

Oh no, countless people will transfer! Bless his heart.

The Kings March 27 race was actually intense! The first instantly sobbing baby somehow came back to win in the end. I’m exhausted.

Yoshimitsu can stab himself in a wide variety of games.

thank you so much for pointing this out

I just wanted to point out that he was the one with complete control of the situation and decided to escalate it by confronting her. She’s obviously acting crazy and blowing smoke in his face (horrible), but he made a bad judgement in following her to cause confrontation.

Why even go inside to confront her? If he would have moved on like a sane person none of this would have happened.

Anyone else keep reading it as “Da’Keem?”

It’s definitely a hockey stick in reference to the NBA vs NHL meme

Now playing

I want Pistachio girl and Miller Light guy to have a frank discussion about race relations in the country.



I love the shotgun analogy and I’m dying

I have hoped for for many moons that Kotaku commenters would simply shut the fuck up whenever they want to comment a complaint about a single article that happens to not be solely about videogames, but again, you have failed me. And I guess it’s now my turn to complain about your complaint. Why can’t you just read