Hooded Justice

The problem with The Version You've Never Seen, as it was called on that re-release, is that it adds back scenes that were initially cut out for a reason, and the flashes of Pazuzu that were digitally inserted just weren't necessary.

Teeth made me very glad to be a homosexual.

Spent the first half of the week on films hailing from the Land of the Rising Sun.

I picked that up for something like $6 on Amazon. Pretty sure the CD is just a rip from vinyl, but who cares? The music is great.

I can. It is worth the time.

In this case, they’ll be talking to, and seducing, a bunch of men in animal masks

Bull Durham is wondering what you're going on about.

I was told there would be no math.

Fuck. No. Goddamnit. Stop. Fuck. No. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

You mean Lana Banana?

I own both Carpenter's Halloween score and Glass's for Candyman on CD. I have no regrets about either.

Box of Moonlight, too.

Scary af.

Oh, dear. I hope you're not turning into a dog or anything.

Suicide Club also features the most shocking removal of a film's ostensible protagonist this side of Hitchcock's Psycho.

Had to wrack my brains to come up with a suitable addition to this list and the one I hit upon is a real doozy: Sion Sono's Suicide Club. For those who haven't been exposed to it, the film opens with a large group of uniformed schoolgirls descending upon a subway station already crowded with home-bound commuters. At

Bless you, Ignatiy. Black Sunday is one of my favorites as well (for admittedly obvious reasons).

That awful "Do You Love Me?" musical number will haunt me to the end of my days.

This is precisely what Trump had in mind. We're going to Make Insults Great Again.

Well, white text on a black background is harder to read, so…