Hooded Justice


Don't it make you want to stay up late?

So old. I feel so fucking old.

I had forgotten what CZT won for until I looked it up after posting that.

It's a dessert topping!

-What 1994 film was the highest grossing British film of all time and received an Oscar nomination for Best Picture?
Four Weddings and a Funeral

You can see, Katie. I can't be bothered to give half a fuck.

I got to see them live only once because they broke up at the end of their tour, but the show was as memorable as you might imagine.

Maybe it's time to put the "Stars" in quotes.

Legitimately cool story, brother.

You know what was leagues better than the Filet-O-Fish? Burger King's BK Big Fish. Too bad they had to go and ruin it by shrinking the size of the fish patty.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I hated it, but I wasn't in love with Archer Vice, either.

I won't lie, Josh. I'm disappointed that you don't have any Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Or Servotron.

You joke, but I actually did like The Alligator People very much.

The show stands out amid the competition because muscle men in loin cloths tend to stand out wherever they go.

Eyes Wide Shut Mr. B Natural War of the Colossal Beast The Alligator People

It's certainly a film that requires more patience than the average 19-year-old has at their disposal.

I see your Ween and raise you Renaldo and the Loaf.

Probably because they're not the right kind of Justices.

Tonight I watched Eyes Wide Shut for the first time in 17 years. It inspired me to write this: