Hooded Justice

Is guava a donut?

That's an alternate title for Crime of the Century.

You mean other than The Sacrament or Guyana: Crime of the Century or Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones? The latter two, incidentally, came out within a couple years of the actual event.

Thanks for the warning. I have comments sorted by Newest first, so I will venture no further.

Considering I wouldn't have an online alter ego without the man's work, I would like to simply say thanks for everything, Alan.

This is the guy's hobby. I expect what you mean is "Get a different hobby!" That's rude, though.

Sometime in 2017? But I want this in my eyeballs right now! (Also, it would be nice if I could finally see a Ben Wheatley film with an audience. Please don't puss out on me, A24.)

Now all he has to do is sort out the glove situation. Not that the basic black leather doesn't look cool, but if you're going to go to this much trouble with the helmet, you don't want to skimp on the peripherals.

My favorite is still A Ghost Is Born because I'm weird that way.

I saw them last year and they did, in point of fact, kick all kinds of tuckus.

Points off for failing to include any shots from A Night in Terror Tower.

Neat. I've been on the lookout for a new Forever stamp since my stash of Harvey Milks ran out.

Did I forget to mention we also got the trailer for Monster Trucks? Holy shit, did we ever.

Being exposed to the trailers for all three of those was the worst thing about seeing Kubo.

If more people had gone to see The Lookout and A Walk Among the Tombstones, you would know already.

As well you should be. I've seen dozens of werewolf films and they all have different rules.

Probably a dumb question, but why are you calling this Steven Soderbergh's Netflix Western when Scott Frank is the one writing and directing it?

Fun fact: That guy is always wrong.

My grandfather's work was DOO-DOO!

Why are you talking like that?