
A lot of us here are over at Jalopnik as well.

This entire argument only makes sense when you consider a car purchase to be an investment made for its financial benefits. It may be so for a very tiny minority of people, but for the general public, it is not.

MCU just absorbing all of the most interesting talent and for what

1) Matching shoes and belt, socks matching with pants.
2) Hiding tattoos
3) No Socks and sandals
4) No white after Labor Day
5) No sweatpants outside the gym or home

There will always be troglodytes.

Here is the list in readable form:

- They did a hell of a number on my expectations this episode. I figured in a finale anyone can die or be left behind, so between Detmer, Book, Tilly, and Vance I was shocked none of them actually bit it. I was nervous!

Thank you for not making this a slideshow.

Hard disagree. I thought their chemistry was really fun. 

So, I’m assuming the pitch for your article was “rather than have someone give any real analysis of this thing I’m only tangentially aware of, I’ll just write about myself, because it’s guaranteed the readers will care more about my personal ignorance than the subject they clicked on the headline to read about”?

I mean, he’s clearly talking about “cancelled” as in “not renewed” or “not getting past the pilot stage,” but OK, whatever.

I don’t like that he got a second chance at this I’m sorry but it’s straight up bullshit. It can lead to a nasty future where a film could be made and someone can claim “Lolz, not my vision but I’ll fix it in the future with what was intended to happen” Like, no. Your work was already there! The bones of it is yours!

My biggest question, and it’s the deal breaker for me after Battlefront, will I be able to setup private matches?

The number of Dems who haven’t signed the CRA make up only 8 percent of House Democrats. Conversely, if you could convince just 8 percent of House Republicans to sign it, that would be a miracle.

nevermind - I removed everything else from my cart and retried it and it worked at the checkout page.

Seriously. She’s devolved into barely coherent ranting. Please io9, get someone else to do these things next season.

I’m not saying that io9 should sugarcoat it’s coverage but maybe having someone who KINDA likes the show doing the write ups would be better....