
Don't drop the weights or let the machine slam down when you're done. The noise is distracting and you might break the machine.

I dropped $30 on a cheap ukulele. A couple of hours in front of Youtube and I was able to play the basic chords. A few weeks later and I know 3 actual currently-popular songs.

When they were running the beta I tried it. After I reverted back and filled out the survey, this was the reason I cited. So happy to see it back.

Well I'll be damned. I gave up waiting a couple of weeks ago, but still a week left of my subscription. Time to see if the wait was worth it.

Lots of cardio, yes, but weight training is necessary to maintain your weight loss. Cardio will help you lose the weight and fat, but weights tone your body.

Moderate-to-intense elliptical for 60 minutes is about 800 calories for me.

You're defending the advertising industry? I work in the advertising industry and let me tell you, we're doing just fine without the $0.001 per day that is deprived by me using AdBlock.

Ad Block Plus for Chrome. Haven't seen a single video ad since I installed it

Wondering when Google will just roll Waze's social features into Maps as an option. Love the social aspect of Waze, but prefer Maps overall.

No. At the end of the day they all call, text, tweet, update, take pictures, etc. It's more of a question of what experience you want while you're doing so.

Despite the naysayers, it works well enough to get me through until we get an official app. Plus the latest update fixes a lot of the bugginess.

I'd rather they spend their time working on a Play Music app for iOS

waiting to hear from my brother =(

I just want ONE option in either of them: auto-stretch video to 16:9 unless it's 4:3. I've yet to find a media center software to do this.

Hopefully the issues with the Windows Store are fixed... It used to hang every time I told it to install an update. Been a little better lately.

If you don't happen to have a compatible CD player, you can set up a direct line FM adapter (not a transmitter) for near CD quality for about $70

Hey f you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, right?

I meet people halfway. If I'm working in a coffee shop and a new paying customer enters looking for a seat, but cannot find one — I'll move. I paid for one coffee, that doesn't entitle me to bogard a seat for 3 hours.

Used to drink about a pot a day (black). Then I read that green tea was better at boosting my metabolism. So now I drink the equivalent in green tea.

Thank you for explaining. If I'm going to the gym 4 days a week, does it make sense to do a slow workout 2 days, and HIIT the other two? Maybe get the benefits of both?