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    I don’t imagine it is 1:1. My point is I think the big-ass front end is a styling exercise, not for cooling. I think it’s ugly AD|F, but that’s just my opinion, and you know what opinions are like. (I liked how the Lotus Europa looked, if that tells you anything.)

    I know that. But I’d bet my paycheck the radiator doesn’t go the full width of the front end. There is no doubt some room to sculpt the front end so it doesn’t look like a fucking box.

    They can mess with the trim and cosmetics all they want, but it appears it still has that big huge giant enormous gargantuan massive colossal immense gargantuan mammoth eight-foot-tall grille. 

    This poster was on my bedroom wall when I was in high school.

    3 Spitfires?! Your family rocks. 

    Until they went to “automatic” chokes, which either didn’t work at all, or else had you “idling” at about 3,200 rpm once the car finally started. 

    A Mighty Mike! So cool.

    COTD, and All The Stars.

    Yeah, I’m a sucker for that stuff, too. The LED grille thingy on my ’16 6 may have influenced my purchase decision more than I admit.

    I use the mirrors. Have you been in cars built in the last few years? Chin-high belt lines, windows like mail slots, and mirrors no bigger than your clenched fist, leaving a blind spot behind the car that could hide a middle school soccer team.

    Do it, if you want. The Opel badge is cool.

    My 2010 Mazda3's center display would read “Hello” for a few seconds when you started the car, and “Goodbye” when you switched off the ignition.

    You’re smarter than I am. I’m in my third winter with my car, and I never think to do that... until I start to back up and can’t see squat because of rain, ice, or schmutz on the camera lens.

    It’s a ’66, I believe. 

    I’m kinda digging this. Donks are ridiculous to begin with, so this somehow makes them right. 

    I considered doing something like that to mine. I got tired of being cut off/nearly run over by soccer moms in SUVs talking on their cell phones, and thought maybe that would help them notice me before they changed lanes.

    ...when it worked. 

    That. Is. Too. Cool!

    Maybe scan them, then throw the paper away? The scan thingy on my phone works pretty well.