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    How shitty of a typist to you have to be to post a comment in all caps?

    “...only a tiny complication to accommodate the same rear doors.”

    All your grammar are belong to us.

    I don’t have a 360° camera, but the cross-traffic alert (audible beep and flashing indicator) on my Mazda6 is very effective. Backing out of a parking space between two hulking Tahoes or Suburbans in a crowded parking is not as scary as it used to be. 

    Well... It’s not this, but it is cool.


    I was 11 years old when Apollo 11 launched. Armstrong and Aldrin were getting more attention because they walked on the Moon, but I remember thinking Collins had to be the bravest person ever. When the command module was on the far side of the moon during orbit, he would be out of communication with everybody. If

    I was 11 years old when Apollo 11 launched. Armstrong and Aldrin were getting more attention because they walked on

    Then that settles it. I’m moving to Vancouver. 

    Then that settles it. I’m moving to Vancouver. 

    ...is it a ‘threehead’ when you don’t have enough of a forehead?

    2 Leafs:

    ...a plane that could potentially spent months or perhaps even longer in the air.”

    I don’t care how much of a false equivalency it is...”

    Quoting the Examiner on anything isn’t confidence-inspiring.

    I believe that was YALE70’s point...

    I knew about carbon black, but I knew nothing of the Crayola connection. That is so cool.

    Midtown Madness.

    I’m... underwhelmed. Needs moar Graboid. 

    Busses rule.

    Do we know she’s not?