Could be the light, but seems there’s some discoloration on the driver’s side, too. Whatever, calling a rebuilt title “clean” is shady enough to keep me away, even if the price was lower.
Could be the light, but seems there’s some discoloration on the driver’s side, too. Whatever, calling a rebuilt title “clean” is shady enough to keep me away, even if the price was lower.
Charlotte. Our leadership at the time thought that a football team and changing the name of the airport from “Douglas Airport” to “Charlotte/Douglas International” would secure “world class city” status for us.
“If it doesn’t have at least some public transportation, it doesn’t qualify as a real city.”
I get your point, but it depends on where you’re from. In my old neighborhood, Rottweilers and PCP were a lot more common than pigs, so this is more novel. Besides, I really like bacon.
You laugh, but when I was in college, some of us transported a big-ass rug in just that fashion. Of course, back then it was a ‘68 Valiant and not a Fiesta, but still...
Don’t count Barney out. History might not have been his long suit, but he knew quite a bit about psychology:
“Man, I miss the age of angles.”
“They were murdered because they offended a religion.”
Makes sense. They’ve been using paint and decals in an attempt to fool spectators that they were “stock cars” for decades.
Okay. Maybe you’d prefer this.
Yeah, yawn-inducing to me, too. I hate sounding like someone’s grumpy old uncle, but there have been few BMWs since the 2002-Bavaria-3.0 CSi days that do it for me. Not that my opinion would matter, since I’ve never had the money to buy one, anyway.
“... I love the quirky designed Europa as well.”
But you don’t have to pedal it.
“ many people on here have done worse than me at $173.67 per HP?”
“It’s just me in the car 95% of my driving, and my girlfriend is with me for the other 5%.”
Yes. I couldn’t agree more, and I’m a 60 year-old guy. I saw Easy Rider in the theater. I watched Then Came Bronson on TV. And yet, 40+ years ago the story was not that much different. My friends and I aspired to Bonnevilles, CB750s, and R90s. Even back then, we considered H-Ds overweight, overlarge, and archaic. If…
See, that’s why I like it. It disguises the overly square bro-bulges on the fenders.
“you could make beautiful music...”