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    Maybe I’m wrong, but cabin filters didn’t become a mainstream thing until after this car was made. At least not on the ones I could afford. 

    Sorry, Raph, but I quit reading at “V8-swapped FD.”

    Too big, too mainstream, too much a part of the American lifestyle fabric to fail.

    I will take it off the seller’s hands if he pays me a hundred bucks. I will wear sunglasses and a hat, so no one will recognize me while I drive it away.

    Florida man something something Cops something something something Bourbon something something...”

    He thinks he’s FancyKristen.

    Hey, I like it, but there wasn’t anything all that special about it in its day, despite its undeniable Jalopitude now. While it is certainly rare to see one in such good condition, rare isn’t the same as ‘collectible.’

    “...a rare chance to own an immaculate 37-year-old Japanese collectible...

    Yeah, but but you’re not factoring in the additional $40 or so for the Energy Dome. 

    I’d invite all my friends over and drive them through town the way the Shriners do on four-wheelers in parades.

    Making the truck perfect was not the goal.”

    That’s My Home - Buddy Guy

    Looks like a cross between a Volvo Amazon and an Alfa 105.

    There’s no such thing as “too” Cozy Coupe.

    Yeah, nothing says ‘gang leader’ like a yellow plaid shirt...

    You know... you’re right.

    The TR series always had a soft spot for me.”

    Hmm. Maybe it’s time for a vacation in PR.

    Or in NC, with Starlings. An afternoon parked in the shade results in an evening of washing off all the bird shit.