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    Anthony Bourdain reminded me of a friend of mine. He could irritate me with the “I liked the band you like before they were cool” type of thing, and sometimes skate right up to the edge of douchebaggery. Then, just before pissing me off totally, he’d say or do something so funny or so interesting that I remembered why

    It was your responsibility to recognize that you needed help.

    Really. And considering that it’s AWD and weighs over two tons, getting 27 out of it seems commendable.

    But if we outlaw Land Cruisers, only outlaws will have Land Cruisers. 

    I was wondering what the funkitude was. You’re right. Cannot unsee, now.

    Hey, thanks! ;)

    I can remember lying down across the package shelf behind the rear seat in my parents’ Falcon.

    When will someone review a base 718? All I seem to see are write-ups of S or higher trims. Granted, the base model is not inexpensive, but the starting price is $20K below this model, and it would be nice to what the “cheap” Porsche is like. Maybe not quite as “digital?”

    I’m sorry, but this generation Camaro is automatic CP for me, no matter the equipment or condition, unfair as that might be. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I just never could get past the ginormous front and rear overhangs. Makes the car look as if there is more body outside the wheelbase than within

    Two videos referenced in the ad, neither of which shows the car moving under its own power. One video shows that it won’t idle. Stock transaxle mated to a motor with twice the cylinders and three times the displacement of the original mill. Sorry, but no thanks.

    I laughed so that I spit coffee through my nose.

    Don’t know about the average household income, but according to the U.S. Census Bureau the median was $59,035 las year, so it’s worse than you think.

    Then, please tell that to Donald Trump:

    My car probably couldn’t pass all of those tests, but I’m still proud of it.

    Forget? Hardly. Some of us old guys remember the Corona quite fondly.

    Um... can’t think of a thing. Thanks anyway, though.

    The coolest. Because Rockford.

    I like just about any fried rice (take-out included) but I’m a HUGE fan of the Vietnamese style you describe.