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    Probably nothing actually wrong with them. I’m just not a fan of pureeing everything. Maybe I have too much time on my hands, but I don’t mind chewing my fruit. But like I said, my dislike of smoothies isn’t entirely rational.

    ‘Smoothie bowls’ make me irrationally angry.

    “Neutral: Would You Go For A Model 3 Or An M3?”

    Similar thing here. Friend of mine bought a 1994 Geo Prizm, knowing it was a rebadged and slightly lower-priced Corolla. She later bought a newer Corolla (after Geo became defunct) and passed the Prizm onto a family member. Last I heard, the Prizm was still going strong, with over 270K on the clock. Other than

    Your dad is cool.

    Living in NC myself, I’d say the seller is likely to get close to his asking price. Corvettes are paradoxically plentiful here, yet routinely overpriced. And they’re mostly driven by just whom you’d expect.

    When I first saw the GIF, I thought it was a new installment of Jason Drives.

    You and your Pao are a real-life cartoon. In the best way.

    Almost the only things you hear in the video are wind and tire noise. I like engine and exhaust notes as much as the next guy, but this would have to be eerily cool, at least for awhile.

    Good point. Thanks.

    As you can tell, I don’t make rash decisions.”

    Your children will be fine. However, you will likely be disappointed, since having 19 children, all the cupholders will be taken, and you—the 20th occupant—will be cupholderless.

    nearly every piece of this truck is bespoke or custom

    Yes. That. Thank you.

    I now have a new word in my vocabulary. Thanks :)

    At least you’re embarrassed about it. You get a pass.

    Needs a matching trailer.

    Element is great.

    “...step away from the shitty “classic rock” station...”