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    Thank you most kindly!

    Again, I don’t argue that the Stinger isn’t a good value for that kind of car. But that kind of car is not an Audi S5 or BMW 430i. That kind of car is a Lexus GS or Infiniti Q50; nice cars, but not very interesting to drive, despite being RWD. I have not driven a Stinger, but if it is the same way, I don’t see me

    It looks like a Hot Wheels car, ca. 1969. In a good way.

    WTF is a “sport pepper?” Are there luxury peppers and economy peppers too?

    I have not seen or smelled your butt, nor do I have even the slightest desire to do so. Yet, I have no reason to doubt your assertion is correct.

    ...it’s not quite all the way to ugly.

    I agree that the Stinger is priced reasonably. I’m. Just saying that I don’t find it as appealing as some apparently do, and that its much-ballyhooed RWD isn’t enough to tip the balance in its favor.

    I don’t have $39k to spend on a new car and if I did I don’t think this would be what I would end up with.

    I guess that’s why they call it the blues...

    Yes, that. They also taught me that anytime you see a Camaro driven by a female, that female is nine times out of 10 named Donna.

    The ad says “Would make a great Christmas gift.” I have asked Santa to bring it to me.

    They’re relatively easy to change now. Not cheap, but easy.

    If not, it’s probably about as watertight.

    ... as long as you never, ever put the top up.

    “...an easy-to-carry 99-lb. box”

    Lose the cladding and the added ride height...

    On the whole, I don’t mind. If they didn’t restrict it, there would no doubt be some hosehead who would leave his project on blocks for weeks at a time. Place I used to live was like that.

    Maybe if you give Alex your number, you can get on his mom’s call list.

    Absurd name? Nah. Treffpunkt is just “meeting point” in German, but it’s a whole lot more fun to say something with punkt in it.

    It’s a co-op. HOA rules say no wrenching in the parking lot, so as to keep folk from from leaving projects unattended for periods of time and taking up space, which is at something of a premium.