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    Just a parking lot.

    ...my mom called me and said, “There’s a big stupid blue van parked near the thrift store. You should come see it.”

    That’s me. Even if I had the budget, the time, and the aptitude, I live in an apartment, so nowhere to wrench.

    You have a point. I’m a fan of the 96, and its key is on the dash. I just always thought the key behind the shifter on the 99 and 900 was weirdly cool.

    The key behind the shifter was the Saabiest thing ever. That by itself was enough reason to buy a 900.

    Now playing

    How is it possible? Because Kristen is young, and apparently Foo Fighters have now attained “dad band” status among some. I’ve decided just to embrace it.

    I feel your pain. When I bought The Colour and the Shape back in ‘97 or so, the teenage clerk at the store asked me if I was buying it for my kid.

    ...driving it around town is a game of approximating where it ends at all times.

    The front end is different.

    Your job is much harder than Jason’s or Mark Stahl’s. It will be more rewarding, though. Feliz Quinceañera!

    A yacht with car storage? Maybe Fancy Kristen could hook you up.

    I didn’t pee myself, but just reading this article and the thought of Jason competing in the Baja made me spit-take my coffee all over my keyboard. This is gonna be epic.

    Fuel pump, hell. They didn’t even replace the missing shift knob.

    ... I, for one, genuinely liked the Cutlass Ciera.

    Oh, thanks.

    Is it any wonder most Aussies are so chill? Big-ass snakes crawling under the hood - excuse me, bonnet - of the car; six-foot-tall marsupials that carry their young in funky built-in pouches; crocodiles the size of Cadillacs; duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed Platypuses that are mammals, but lay freakin’ eggs.

    Snakes don’t bother me much, either. Nor do spiders, really. Cockroaches, though...

    ...for no good reason at all.

    Okay, maybe I was a little harsh. I have an automotive fetish that is nearly as irrational.

    “The first time I ever saw a Bricklin, I remember thinking “What is that?” and “I need one.”