
best comment on the av club right now, criminally low number of upvotes

Just rewatched season 2 and it was much better than I remembered. I think when you know that the season 1 characters you know and love are going to continue to have stories and that the dock workers are pretty much contained to season 2 you can stop worrying and appreciate it more. A lot of great arcs are going on

exactly this trunk trunkerson

While there at it why not do some nuanced reporting on non-American places and provide a detailed explanation of the differences between shia and sunni muslims before finishing off by going bakc in time to get Al Gore elected

You know its bad when you gotta be buds with a known totalitarian

JT needs to get his shit together but I worry that without real opposition leaders the liberals can coast

We can't afford to wait, call your local MP and let them know what you think, better yet join a party and organize

This is categorically incorrect. Everyone has the right to freedom from violence, even if those people are hateful moral degenerates. Society has other mechanisms to deal with these people, from hate speech laws to making them moral outcasts.
In the Weimar Republic era of Germany Nazi's were getting punched all the

And I mean, have you ever seen the Sudetenland. Take a good look at these rolling hillsides and tell me you don;t want to annex the shit out of them.

I agree completely, so many marvel villains are weak, shallow characters who never get the screen time to breath. You can't just tell us so one is evil and then dump their motivations in exposition, you gotta show us how they are. Almost, most of them are just imperious assholes and no more than that

Look, I am all for recycling and tree planting, but if we can;t take massive collective action to reduce reliance on fossil fuels for heating, agriculture, transportation etc. it won't work out. Plant the trees, but elect someone with environmental conviction if you are serious.

Who will lead the Conservatives though, they have the saddest group of people in their leadership.

Ketchup chips have been avaialable in every grocery store and vending mahcine in canada since the 80's, they are not some new-fangled trending non-sense. We here in Canada simply have a superior selection of snacks

The senate's moral authority will never be restored. The question of which branch of government wields the true power was decided in 1926 by the King-Byng Affair. Any attempt by the modern senate to challenge the supremacy of the house will result in the complete dismantling of the Senates authority.
For better or

I thought the laurel/gareth thing this week was a little weird. Mostly like they just needed to get them apart for plot purposes instead of it making sense for the characters. I think it was the Kings trying to hard to driving home the liberal.conservative divide.
Even so, I still ove this crazy little show. Missed

Can we please start taking over a thread some where in the beautiful land of AV to talk about Braindead?
I mean this is a super weird show with great characters, taking strange chances.

Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses

The adama maneuver during the battle of new caprica is the all time greatest

could not agree more strongly, incredible show. i believe they are making an animated movie to finish the plot