She was taking so much colloidal silver it might have mummified her. She was also purple in her last pictures. It and alcohol surely killed her so she’s pickled AND preserved!
She was taking so much colloidal silver it might have mummified her. She was also purple in her last pictures. It and alcohol surely killed her so she’s pickled AND preserved!
I’ve been waiting FOREVER for the me too drop on him. He’s not just a pretentious wanker.
All this is WORK. It’s very clear they don’t work at anything except impressing each other with their giant ball-sacks. And it leaves out their inflated and infantile sense of entitlement. They got a trophy in kindergarten for participation and it all went down from there.
I am one of those. I was diagnosed at 40 years old with dyscalculia. When I asked my parents about it, they said they said, “Oh, yes, they said at school you probably had a learning disability but we did not want you to feel bad about yourself so we never told you or let them tell you about it”. I have no words.
What absolutely infuriates me and is not talked about enough in this story is that ALL the kids in this sorry mess went to shrinks to get phony accommodations based on non-existent LD’s so they could get more time on the standardized tests. We live in LA and my son got into an amazing college this year. Almost every…
Lauren and Nancy’s “bad decisions” also included ordering the victim (After being locked in a goddamn room for TWO YEARS) to be driven to Mexico and left there with no documents or money. Great humanitarian outfit this one.
Lauren and Nancy’s “bad decisions” also included ordering the victim (After being locked in a goddamn room for TWO YEARS) to be driven to Mexico and left there with no documents or money. Great humanitarian outfit this one.
I am very jealous you met her! I own first editions of all her books, I adore her, as you can tell.
MEEEEE TOOO, and the fact that there is not a movie about them is criminal. Diana died totally unrepentant “But I didn’t love Hitler any more than I did Winston.[Churchill] I can’t regret it, it was so interesting.” How very U.
Ok. Dirt. I know someone who is on the hallmark channel and her daughter does all her social media photo-shopping and it’s so hilariously bad you can see extra eyes and arms and shadows and I LOVE IT and I can’t name names.
I’ve come to realize that I actively enjoy my absolute loathing for Gwyneth Paltrow and all she stands for. I think it come from living in LA and the baggage that come with it. She is that fucking stereotype the New York Times always reports on when they come here, but that only exists in the rarefied air of…
I grew up in a very rural area in the 70's and we STILL picked out all our presents from the Wish Book and fought over it. I actually miss it, it was much a part of christmas as a tree. I still have not forgiven my mom for not getting me a Shaun Cassidy “satin” jacket. The clothes in there were hilarious, and you can…
They also REALLY help you set boundaries. I would let my ex abuse me but HELL TO THE NO was he going to abuse my child. Especially if you are a people pleaser, you will fight for your child’s agency way before your own, and in my case, it helped me to learn to set better boundaries for myself too. But I never would…
Of course she does. OF COURSE she does. Why do they never bring these things up in interviews or articles about her?
They could have been serious mental health issues originating and exacerbated by sexual abuse by Dan Schneider. That is not only possible, but probable.
Big Vulva Scarf is definitely my band name.
Good ol Sam is not on speaking terms with either her mother OR child. There’s even a youtube video of them talking about how they feel about her.
I did not get it and neither did my husband. I thought my powers were strong but not THAT strong.
But you HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEM, and they WILL expect 24-hour work. Kid wakes up and throws up, they expect you to clean up. You are NEVER “off”. When you work out the hours they truly expect, it’s not worth it. I have worked for people like this, it’s a horror show of stress and micromanaging and ridiculous…