Someone on the street recently shouted to me, "Chelsea Clinton, is that you?" I'm assuming, from the way he said it, that he meant it as an insult.
@penguins268: Yup. My forehead wrinkles are in different places on each half of my face. Most people have lines that go relatively straight across—not me!
@RachelMadHo: YES. Best red ever. I almost never go beyond a natural palette, but I adore this stuff.
I usually go more for the "tastes so delicious you want to eat a billion of them and don't care if you get fat because it will be WORTH IT" foods. Maybe that's just me.
@sokobebe: I'd like that kind of pleat in my pants.
@Voltairine: I do nearly all of my shopping in the sale section at Anthropologie. Sometimes you can get lucky and find things with second or third price cuts, like a $118 dress for $9.95, or a $98 skirt for $19.95 (both things I've found within the last couple of months).
@Peppermint: Amazon gift card?
The best back-and-forth exchange reminds me of my parents, who also met at work. The first thing my dad said to my mom was, "You know, you'd look prettier if you smiled more." She gave him the finger and told him to fuck off. Somehow, they managed to get past that, though. I suspect groveling played a major role…
@robina the first: Yes, yes, and yes. I just can't bring myself to be bothered about this one. I don't find the photos to be outrageous, and I probably wouldn't have even seen them if they weren't on Jezebel.
Mine are kind of hipsterish, but whatevah. My boyfriend really likes me with glasses. He always gets excited when I wear them and asks why I don't wear them all the time (I only have mild myopia, so I don't really need to).
@SarahMC: There have to be some places where the salary/cost of living ratio is more favorable, though, right?
@Buggie: Hmm, yeah, living in New York probably skews my impressions of how much money is necessary to afford a certain lifestyle. And I was aware that other areas have much lower real estate prices, but most of the people I know are buying houses in New Jersey (where I'm originally from), which is not exactly cheap.
@SarahMC: I've been thinking about this, too. I've started to see friends of mine, getting married, having kids, buying houses... How someone who's only been working for a few years can afford to buy a house is beyond me. I can't even afford to upgrade to a slightly nicer apartment—in part because I wouldn't be able…
@LindyLou: This is my strategy, too. It never fails!
@Gavagirl: Yeah, their whole argument is basically fucked. If parenting is such a fundamental drive, it should be near the bottom, because you won't want to go after any other goals until you accomplish that. Silly evolutionary psychologists!
I'm still working my way up to the printer level. Someday, I will stop furtively printing what occasional personal documents I have to print at work. Today is not that day.
It's okay to wear heels sometimes, but you have to vary your heel height. Don't wear the same pair several days in a row. Switch off with flats.
@dennisbrain: My thoughts exactly. Bra shopping must be a bitch!
I have 8 pairs: three that I like and wear often, one that's worn out enough that I don't wear it as often but not enough to throw out, one that's a size too big that I wear around the house, and three that I wear occasionally. No aspirational jeans. Seems reasonable enough to me.