
She alleges in her complaint that she [..] was often the only woman in the room at meetings with 50 people.

Meanwhile, Olympic-level trolling inside:

Stop with the lies! This is the un-photoshopped picture

You will never be able to convince me that Keanu Reeves is not the saddest man in the whole world.

Bill Maher has been a garbage person for two decades.

Oh, my heart. So adorable.

Speaking to the Post, El-Messidi said “This is really a human issue. But out of this horrible election cycle, something beautiful has come out of it and [Muslims and Jews have] bonded together to support each other and stand up to this hate. Politics can get in the way of our basic humanity; I hope this breaks through

As some folks here know, I have a pretty minor admin role in congress, and I was once lucky enough to be graced by Grassley during a hearing that went well into the night. All the senators ordered Chinese food, for themselves and their staff, and took a small break to eat together. Everyone was enjoying themselves,

Just like how we all live in The Inner City (TM).

Lee Gelernt is a cool dude and the ACLU’s Immigrants Rights Project is awesome and deserves all of your support (along with all the other orgs that have filed lawsuits this week fighting the executive order, which includes, in alphabetical order, the American Immigration Council, the Legal Aid Justice Center, the Natio

I dont understand why the press never ask him really specific questions. Ask him to name one black person other than Fredrick Douglass, MLK, Ben Carson, and that chick from the Apprentice. A work of literature by a black author he found inspiring. To name 5 countries in Africa.

Remember how Lyudmila Putina just sort of gradually was seen less and less at official functions, and then not at all, and then a couple years passed and suddenly she was no longer Putin’s wife? I don’t know why I just thought of that.

The fact that law enforcement is already defying the legislative and judicial branches and saying (incorrectly) that they only take orders from the president is fucking terrifying. Every jackass trying to downplay this as no big deal is horribly ignorant of history.

They lounged on the deck. But then Kim and Kris reportedly found out that Scott “secretly flew a girl” (not the woman pictured above) down to be with him, “put her up at a hotel where the crew was staying,” and lost their minds.

Stringer also talked about the economic impact of immigrants in the city: how many are business owners, how many work in the financial sector, etc... He made a point that we are not just doing this because it’s the right thing to do, but it’s also to our economic benefit to welcome and defend immigrants. I love it

But his meetings now begin at 9 a.m., earlier than they used to, which significantly curtails his television time. Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books, is able to end his evenings with plenty of television.

Yeah, you’re right, now that we’ve made our personal distaste for our new authoritarian white-nationalist government clear, we should stop covering it while it willfully dismantles the nation.

Bolt Shows Mettle, Won’t Meddle with Request for Metal Medal

Once again, I haven’t seen any of these movies. Are any of them worth it, or are they all overwrought award fodder?

...“the more repellent side of feminism: the vile, crude, man-hating, violent, nasty side”...