Did you see him walk over like a dog about to get a pat on the head...
go back, and try again. blame IT caught up in the transition.
Found an answer...
This page looks like it reflects the current number of signatures:
honestly last week i made a petition for trump to show his tax returns, the next day I go and check it and it said that the website was archived and now snapshot of Obama’s presidency. Then it came back today. I think it was a mistake and that’s why it’s so messed up today is because it’s not supposed to really be…
Here’s a live feed of Guiliani now.
I got a response from Richard Nixon when I was twelve (summer of 1974). It was utterly without charm - and he resigned a week later.
Seriously? People think the petitions are going to mean shit under this administration? lol
I was adjacent to the team that tried to launch the ACA sign-up website. Such a clusterfuck.
Yea I’ve helped move pages on before over the years. Honestly their servers are just THE WORST and they can’t transition for shit (no pun intended).
The LGBT rights page, climate change page, and all mention of climate change has been purged from This may be yet another casualty.
More likely they are being overloaded by pissed off Americans and crashing.
Make sure everyone goes and signs the petition at for trump to release his full tax returns and lets get to 100,000 so he has to respond and tell all of us normal people that want to see it that we really don’t want to see it like he always does.