honky whiteman

Well 35 year scotch has just been aged for 35 years. It can sit on a shelf for another hundred and still be 35 year scotch.

It's actually not hard to find anymore. They put out a blu ray a couple years ago that I believe go for really cheap. Which burns me cuz I ebay'd the DVD some years ago.

Kaitlin or GTFO!

I think they refer to them as Tie Fighters during the Death Star fight in Ep. 4. "Keep an eye out for those Tie Fighters" and the like. But my brain could be filling that in based on toy names.

Luke does some two-fisted hack and slash in RotJ. I immediately recalled that scene when watching this, and had flashes of what I assume to be Rey's coming struggle between dark and light.

Crossed my mind while watching that he could even be the Emperor. Unlikely, but possible.

Well that's certainly fair.

And I think the real political machinations is one of the best things about the Star Wars universe. I even liked the hints at it in the original trilogy when I was a kid. It's the only positive I see in the prequels. I'll never understand why it's one of the things on the hate list.

Re: criticism of the costuming for the scarecrow. It quickly becomes the best costume of the night (no small feat) when you realize it's Basquiat inspired. https://twitter.com/hermesx…

BDP used Back In Black for Dope Beat around the same time. They fly under the radar or pay out a fortune?

True story, a friend of mine published a book in the '00s and tried to get permission to use a line from a Jimi Hendrix song as a chapter intro. He got a refusal letter citing depictions of sex and drugs in the book.

While I agree that this statement is crazy, I would like to jump in to say that Czarface is pretty great.