
Seems like you haven't played a FPS since Doom 2.

Same thing with Gears of War. Except this isn't Unreal 3 Tech Demo 3. It is Rage, by id, the creator of the FPS.

That is why you formulate an opinion based on REVIEWS, not Onion reviews. Spending sixty bucks whether or not an unnamed Onion source liked it? Jeesh.

There are better reviews of it, Gametrailers, IGN, etc.

A - Post weird things nobody gets.


Did you just recommend ALL 4 ONE on the Internet?

There wasn't brown in Borderlands? Trollish comment.

Yep, it is a fun game, not GOTY fodder. Everyone who has played it has a pretty similar opinion on it. Except Onion reviewers who haven't played it.

That will help the graphics?

I guess we should have played the demo blindfolded?

You played it?

Underground Aliens? Gears of War.

Played it? A week after release they crap on it, and the clones stomp in? Crazy.

"We believe the review the free paper in the Wisconsin area, The Bunyon, hath made."

I think I played this apparently perfect game twice.