
Just an FYI ... I 404'd when I went to PizzaTorrent today....

I use SpamMotel [www.spammotel.com] for my disposable e-mail needs. It sounds similar to SpamGormet. I own a domain, and have several friends with e-mail addresses on my domain. I've used Spam Motel for lots of site registrations, and have avoided getting spam at my e-mail address for 4 years now. I've found that the

@Mythokia: and less of a hassle than FoxMark(sic).

@majaron: Well, Majaron, Malta was a significant launch-point for the Allied in World War II. That and the proximity to the Vatican (vis-a-vis "Jesus Phone") make it deserving. (Grin)

@tossrStu: "...Check it out next time you are waiting on line at the grocery store."

I used to love the cigarette cases (I've gone through about three of them over the course of ten years - my better half would call it my compact :-P) but I would eventually bend the metal or the clasp would quit shutting. I would love something that same size but made of a sturdier metal. The umbra items above look

I found "True Lemon" and "True Lime" for here at work:

@metrophage: I used to travel with 2 carryons - one was my manbag, the other a backpack with all my clothes for the week....Now? You're not really allowed to do that.

@MayGirl: And why is it MayGirl that every one of your posts ends with you hawking a website? {reviewing comments} oh wait ... looks like you can't comment any longer. Never mind ....

@Ken: I loved NewsShark - Straightforward, combined the posts, allowed you to keep track of what you had reviewed and what you'd not. Then it went commercial. So next up, in my quest of Free Things: Power Grab 2002. Used to be available on [cosmicwolf.com] but it looks like that site went belly up, and it's not

I know people love UltraMon, but I tend to be cheap when it comes to these kinds of things. I used this software in XP and really liked it. I upgraded to Vista, and it seems that this is managed by the OS/ATI card satisfactorily.