Honk Honk Punch

I'm bleeding…give me some trash to plug up the cut

This lawyer you speak of had better have a firm grasp on Bird Law. He must understand that Bird Law (in this country) isn't governed by reason.

They already tried that last season - it was shot entirely through Frank's eyes.

Stop handing me papers!

You get it! You are quite woke (in the parlance of our times)

Yes, exactly. I enjoy the oblique references and subtle homages, but the bowling alley/Sam Elliot 2.0 scene was so on the nose & obvious.

*Gets into a fervent middle-finger battle with Ray*

Oh I see. Sy seems to be in a constant semi-state of denial.

Sy makes me laugh whilst tapping into a deep well of sadness. He's also loyal but a coward. He wants to be noble, but does not know how, or if he knows, is incapable of doing so. He's a rich character.

He had no choice but to drink the tea. He could refuse, get his ass kicked, and then be force-fed the tea. He chose to skip the ass kicking.

Thanks for explaining why the show exists. You truly are an enlightened being.

Anyone who feels they are the arbiter of "good taste", or claims they "get" a show more than someone else is quite pompous. And an ass.

How would Raylan react to Varga, I wonder?

I have bad taste because I find the incessantly winking "hey remember this movie? And this character from that other movie?" to be a bit grating?

Taste is subjective, you pompous ass. Just because you enjoy an aspect of the show that I do not does not mean you "understand" the show more than me. Blow that nonsense directly out your ass.

Incredible scene. Reminded me of the infamous True Detective S1E4 "uncut" drug den scene in its scope and breadth. Remarkable stuff.

OL' ONE EAR! *pantomimes*

Sort of funny that a deaf man cut off someone's ear.

Sy really had some great moments of physical comedy as well. His unreturned wave to Emmitt in the window was both funny and very sad.

The opening bus crash/forest chase was as thrilling as any stretch in the show's history. I really thought Yuri had died mid-speech.