“I didn’t get a job in his administration and now I have concerns. These two things are unrelated.”
“I didn’t get a job in his administration and now I have concerns. These two things are unrelated.”
The look on him in that picture has always gotten me. He knew exactly how stupid and ridiculous Trump was, and was sucking up anyway.
I feel like since McCain passed away the press has been dying for another “reasonable (not really) Republican.”
Yeah, I’m done with “trying to understand these people.”
The whole tone of the piece is one of “I agree with everything you are doing, just stop being so obvious it or they might figure out what we’re really doing is totally horrible.”
I though that right after I hit “Publish.”
“New Year, New Friends, & New Me”?
What is gonna happen is Mitt will do the very least, which is praise common goals, lambast universally unpopular things on stuff like national security, vote over 90-95% inline but have certain key votes against the line that mainstream media will see him as the next maverick.
And tomato is back for 2019!
First good laugh of the new year.
If Trump is a uniquely bad man, but he also believes in all of the “policies mainstream Republicans have promoted for years,” it follows that you believe in the same things as the uniquely bad man. Which makes you also bad.
I live in Massachusetts. Romney will adapt to whatever the situation is to get the job done, i.e., get elected. Obviously, he’s just obsessed with being president.
Never forget that Romney was willing and eager to be Trump’s secretary of state. Trump is a bastard, and he was instructed by Russia to withdraw Romney from consideration, but we’ll always have this picture and it makes me laugh:
Romney's votes will show exactly how full of shit he is. (Hint: his shit doth overfloweth.)
No mention of the “Asian men are actually women” bit? Cause that was really fucking awful, too.
The set was abominable. The fact that he’s allowed to ambush audiences is inexcusable. If you ever find yourself sitting in a comedy club and you are subjected to CK as a “surprise guest,” I beg you to turn your chair around and ignore this fucking asshole. Or walk out and demand your money back. Club owners need to…
The Maga hats are welcome to him.
This is that same guy who went out of his way to try to discredit Amber Heard’s abuse accusations toward Johnny Depp, correct?