honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

“In no way am I saying this is her fault, but here’s how it’s her fault.”

Um, no. That’s a fantasy instilled by NRA death cult propagandists.

It won’t work. Ask JFK, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford**. All of whom were surrounded by people expert in the use of guns, and none who were protected by using those guns.

More people are watching MSNBC than Fox News for the first time in almost 20 years.

I have often confessed that daytime MSNBC (and Bloomberg, when my blood pressure can take it) is my background noise; it only actually gets my full attention at 6am for Stephanie Ruhle and 1pm for Nicolle Wallace (Pacific times). My annoyance with them is mainly their repeating three or four stories ad nauseum all day

Hey, those Raytheon profits aren’t going to make themselves.

It’s funny how most of the names would also work for sex toys!

Per Gallup, “Usually, the president does not win when he has subpar job approval ratings, as is the case with Trump. Trump and Gerald Ford are the two presidents to date who did not win the honor while in office.”

Mike (Can I call you Mike? Great.)

When pretty much anyone can own or possess a gun, pretty much any threat of physical violence is “imminent”.

If you didn’t join the police, prosecutors office etc. to help people in situations just like this then why?

Stop for a second and think about how many congressional hearings we would have had if the troops had busted out Hope and Change swag.

Just imagine Fox if one of the troops had lifted the uniform to display an “I’m With Her” shirt underneath. They’d be begging for a war with Iran or North Korea just to send the guy there to die.

this is a bit overblown, no?

The problem is that is a continuing problem within the Trump administration — they keep on violating the Hatch Act. This isn’t an over exaggerated one off faux pas.

Agreed, not to mention:

Um. Why? Bloomberg isn’t popular outside of the kind of people who insist Democrats can’t win by appealing to working class voters.

What a decrepit little pissant scumlicker diddlyboob he’s become. Nosferudy, this is your life!

What is it with the older Democrats shitting on the younger this week? Can we knock it off with the circular firing squad bullshit? Old Handsome Joe did the same thing, and it’s utterly baffling.

I think it’s the contrasting mindsets of the Boomers and Millennials. My parents are Boomers and used to tell me about horrible policies, “that’s just the way things are.” Whereas we Millennials are like “fuck that, get out of our way so we can make things better.”