honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

I remember my mother telling me I’d have a tough time getting a job without good handwriting on my application. I am not all that old.

I’m not against kids learning cursive. I’m not against them teaching it in school. I’m against laws mandating it.

You know what also teaches good motor skills? Sports, physical activities, and puzzles. Dont need to be wasting time with cursive

Yup, they should also walk 12 miles to school in the snow. :D

Wow. My area has been chip and pin only for over 10 years. 

For when you show your ID to buy groceries? Our president said people do that apparently?

Have you seen people’s handwriting? I have many decades-old family letters, one that took a team of 8 people to decipher.

Why would you have to sign your name at a check out counter? It’s 2018.

Here’s the thing: Cursive is not a special type of writing. It’s just writing in plain text. We tend to think of it as “not lifting the pen”, but that’s a fault of the medium, not the style. If you use a quill and inkwell, and try to write in plain text, you’ll find yourself with something that looks far more cursive

Why is it a problem to print your name as a signature? Isn’t print handwriting also incredibly distinct?

We have to get the crusty “Olds” out of politics. This shit is ridiculous.

No but the nation slightly to the East of Vietnam does point to the danger of a vacuum 

It’s the time table and process— to use an analogy- People on all sides are coming around to the idea of serious prison reform but Trump declaring by executive fiat that all federal prisoners are now free with releases to begin Monday and be completed by year's end would be an unmitigated cluster fuck of epic

lame. instead of learning cursive, which from what I remember was very much like learning to read ALL OVER AGAIN, they could be teaching them a fucking useful thing like how to speak mandarin or spanish. it’s like the conservatives don’t want the people wiping their asses in their golden years to have any fucking

Too bad for us.

This exactly. We should never have been there but we are. Bailing now, apparently as Turkey threatened to move on the very allies we were supporting to fight ISIS, basically reinforces the exact American cyclical stance towards the Middle East we’ve had for decades.

I would state, as someone who was in Iraq 4 month before that attack, most ground forces had respect for the Kurds as our allies against the Sunni and Shia militia that were making our life hell. The US hand was forced by Erdogan, who is a strong man asshole, because Turkey is a NATO member and has a long history of

I’m sure the people of Syria will be much better off under the control of Russia, as they use Syria to help rebuild a new Soviet Union. That sounds so much like the “sovereign government of Syria” you’re looking for.  

I’m sure there is some truth to that, hombre, but its not as simple as it seems. 

This is always the business. We shouldn’t have fucking been over there, but if you DO engage, you have to follow through. Stay out of it, or finish what you started (and, you know, have some fucking idea of what “finishing” means. Don’t give yourself vagaries of ‘ending the war on terror’ or whatever). Anything in