honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

Right? Can you imagine proudly waving the flag for entry-level professionals getting fewer benefits and no job security like it’s some honorable rite of passage? I’m so embarrassed for her. 

He’s not smart enough to see the wisdom of the request. Instead, he saw a chance to “gain an advantage” by proving his superiority and saying no.

What annoyed me most is how Speaker Pelosi, being as polite and thoughtful as she could be (to a fault), wanted this to be a private meeting, out of respect to President Trump, so he wouldn’t appear dumb.

It’s honestly hilarious that this is your big achievement in life. Way to own the libs! 

That’s what happens when you turn the folksy up to 11 and snap the knob off.  

Honestly, where the hell do these people come up with this shit? I’ve never heard anything close to this in my entire life. It’s just insane gibberish. “You know what they say: ‘If you smell under a bird’s wing twice a day, you’ll get hair in your food!’”

If that was "constructive," I wonder what her criteria are for "unproductive" or "absolute train wreck."

‘you get into a tickle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you,”

The POTUS publicly calls a private citizen a “Horse Face” and this is what Conjob takes issue with? 

For me, the worst part was when the guy chugging straight liquor paused to make sure his camera was properly positioned to record it for the ‘gram. And the other worst part was when they all griped about the indignity of having to repeatedly show their passports. And the other worst part was when I realized this group

Oh, just take your damn star. 

I think what kills me the most is how he keeps adjusting his bro-y lil baseball cap

I just keep thinking, is there a filter on the phone? Or is this just youth? If I was in this situation, by the time I’m in the airport to go back my make up would be sloughed off, zits and spots hanging out. Lines breaking out all over, super shiny as face... these people are all fresh faced and smooth...

Those people need more difficult lives.

I believe you mean “dumpster fyre”

On the one hand, they’re still kids and kids are fucking idiots. On the other hand, their parents really need to be fined for releasing them out into the world.

There will *never* be enough about Fyre Fest. 

“Just in case you haven’t gotten enough of last year’s infamous Fyre Festival”

I’m going to watch this on a tiny TV while eating a bowl of 25-cent ramen, and laugh and laugh.