honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

I hope a sage grouse from the bird sanctuary they horribly violated beats him up.

Not to mention, that if Rex is dumb and lazy, Trump is the one who nominated him for Sec State and it was the Republican senate that confirmed him. So, if Rex is the worst Sec State - Trump needs to eat the blame for putting him there. But of course, Trump is never at fault!

Comey was called to testify before the House where, apparently, he was asked about Clinton’s emails. I kind of feel like an appropriate punishment would be for Comey to get grilled for 7 hours about Clinton’s emails one day a month for the rest of his life.

Tillerson was CEO of a company with 70,000 employees and managed to not go into bankruptcy.  trump has gone bankrupt how many times?  Six?  So I think we know which of those 2 people is the dumb one.

Because Mueller knows that when he comes after a president, the case must be air tight. Especially this president.


Dumb and lazy sounds like someone else we know...

Trump’s former National Security Advisor (and felon who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI) Mike Flynn is having to sell his house to pay his legal fees.

I always scroll past the tweets. I always hated the sound of trumps voice, but now I can’t even read his repulsive words. The man is toxic.

Bingo! Thank you so much for filling in the story that many of us forgot, or forgot the little details of. Everything is starting to come together this week, it seems.... and everything is leading back, sooner or later, to sanctions.

According to Woodward’s Fear and other sources, there were seven people who could, and often did, constrain Trumpian stupidity: Gary Cohn (gone), Rob Porter (huge surprise, but he’s gone), Rex Tillerson (gone), H.R. McMaster (gone), Don McGahn (gone), John Kelly, and Jim Mattis. Kelly no longer bothers, and Mattis is

If Trump goes down in disgrace, we’ll suffer through half a decade of shitty TV appearances and memoirs that make them all look like heroes. 

You forget why Tillerson was selected. Forgivable entirely, because the news cycle around Trump moves faster than a silverfish across your bathroom floor.

Nah, man! This was an attack on...something.

It is scary to watch how easily people are manipulated. Hordes of right wingers in America are shuffling around like zombies muttering “Venezuela” merely because they heard it on Fox News. Many of them could educate themselves in minutes online about the actual major causes of the economic collapse there if they chose

Holy shit, fucking triggered aren’t we?

As opposed to the travesty of poverty brought on from capitalism and corporate imperialism, not just in our nation but in all the nations we’ve had our presence in? Those we’ve deemed “shitholes” after we (and other western nations) exploited their resources, overthrew their democratically elected governments,

Junior, just get a fucking finstagram already

As a European, I am still amused by how poorly many Americans seem to understand any form of socialism, including the socialism that already exists in the US.

Tumblr-grade feminism?