honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

There isn't biological reasoning for that degree of frequency, hence the change in recommendations. 

Buck up, Ted, maybe fetal stem cell research will someday help you grow hair on the front of your chin and stop you looking like such a baboon's ass.

FUCKING FINALLY. Get your shit together, MA.

no one is falling for this, but ok

Same, I've known how to pronounce it properly for MONTHS but my brain is basically like "nope bacon sandwich, fuck you"

I’m having some strong skepticism that the “declined to press charges” decisons by employees weren’t encouraged by the employer.

I did too, and she looked great. Wore it much better than Donj.

Dude, Donj kinda looks like a lady high school gym teacher from the neck down? Like, no shade intended to high school gym teachers in any way, but definitely shade intended to Donj.

Yup, I did. Doesn’t help the privacy issue.

Wow, you deserve quite a lot of shame for this.

You what doesn’t make me shit? These suggestions. You know what DOES make me shit? Going running. Wanna know how I know? I spent A YEAR trying to convert myself into a “shit before run-commuting” shitter by getting up and forcing down a coffee before my run commute commenced at 6:45. No matter how much lead time I

sorry to be late to this thread, but here’s what I like to do:
-bake the weed for an hour at low heat (like 150 F)
-put it in a pan with melted butter on low heat, stir without letting it sizzle for as long as you can deal with, maybe 20 min
-let it cool, strain out the buds and liquid (they aren’t worth much at this

Okay, only one out of the three comments you’ve screenshotted is actually someone calling you a name and it’s an obvious troll, so it’s best you learn to just ignore comments from accounts like that. We all get them for just about any comment thread. The other accounts aren’t calling you names, they’re criticising

Let me help you understand obtuseness: reading how you are wrong, and then either refusing to acknowledge your wrongness and/or moving the goalposts. It’s not personal, it’s just that obtuseness is extremely annoying.

did you see where in the top comment, this same commenter also forgot to read the article and got corrected by Rebecca? That was gold.

Did you make this obnoxious comment thread before or after actually reading the article and being corrected by the author? I’ll add another “name” (they’re not names, they’re descriptors) to the pile: you’re being obtuse.

Based on historical projection habits, we can now expect to see Trump struggling with his teeth falling out at rallies and helicopter press meetings, I’m sure.

...I think I roomed with your sister once. Are there smells?

I emigrated from the US to Scotland a long time ago and got basically adopted by lady whose friendship with my actual mother predates my existence by a decade. I call her Not Mum. Not Mum and I have an agreement re Christmas gifts that they fit in a stocking and are “under a fiver.” One time, she’d recently confessed

If I agree with this any harder, I'll break a nail.