Hong Pong2

You should listen to (and have this relative listen to) This American Life episode 545: If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, SAY IT IN ALL CAPS. Chapter 3 is about how many comments and hate mail the women broadcasters on TAL get about their "vocal fry" and how the women do it because they are young and

Jalopnik, who would've guessed a bunch of guys who jerk off to cars they can't afford would hate women?

Especially because she's been so open about this. I think her frankness about accepting the loss of her husband and helping him die — even if it may mean something long and painful for herself and her husband — is something that scares people like Tim Graham. If anything it takes even more faith and grace to weather

ugh. do not STEP to my angel, Diane Rehm, and her tender voicebox.

Yes. My first thought was hey, let's all take Kloe Kardashian up on that offer, and stop talking about her family. Is that what she really wants? Because I have a sneaking suspicion that none of these women wants to get a real job.

And this is why I think her and Kanye never had a chance of making it. For as real as he tries to be, AR is just genuinely real. Whereas Kim is the type to let a sex tape "leak", AR would just do the damn thing and release it as a gift to the world. I don't feel like Kanye wanted that (well, obviously), but prefers

My favorite line: "If I wanna get the D, Ima get the D. Trust me. That's it. Bottom line."

Exactly. There's way crazier stuff demanded by people with half his fame level. Quite reasonable. And while he comes across like a tit sometime, I run some events in my city and he played at a festival last summer - heard nothing but great stuff about him and his band from the people running that show.

My grandmother is 103 years old, born in 1911. She was married to my grandfather at the age of 19, they had five children and were happily married until he died 46 years later. She had several suitors after his death but refused to get married again because "they all want me to cook every day and I'm done with

My period is like when the elevators open in The Shining. You can't put the mattress in the washer.

He probably will get some type of visitation rights. One of the major reasons I didn't get an order of protection during my divorce is that my ex still gets a right to be a dad. All I could see happen from OFP would be pissing him off to the point of no return and because of our kiddo - he would still have a right to

This dude only got 9 years as punishment for trying to kill someone and he gets pics of her children? Oh hell no. Hell. No. This is terrifying. Is he going to get visitation after his release too? I think your parental rights kind of end at throat slitting.

Yeah I'm familiar with the infamous tampon scene. But yanking your lady's tampon out isn't exactly period sex, it's just kind of unsettling. I think it probably made more sense when 50 shades was still unabashed Twilight fanfic because of the whole vampire thing. It makes a lot less sense with a human partner.

Blow job week?

UGH the blowjob week idea is beyond annoying to me. Like, let me get this straight—you recognize that my body is doing some funky gross shit that is terribly unpleasant, yet you think that I'm in the mood to selflessly stick your dick in my mouth all week with no expectation of any sort of mutuality? NOOOOOPE.

I like to have sex during my period. I've discarded a couple of sex partners who thought of my period as "blowjob week." I don't want to see more period sex in movies. The point of this movie, whether it succeeded at it or not, is to be sexy to a fairly broad audience. Some people find period sex sexy. Some people

She gets a pass because people want to see a talented dark skinned black woman make it in an industry that has minimal to no respect for our demographic, but she makes it hard for people, including myself, to root for her because she keeps getting into unnecessary fights with people and making ignorant and offensive

R.I.P. to Azealia Banks' black girl fanbase.

Whatever, Azealia. Keep posting your nonsense because the only way you get attention is by sniping at others and being "edgy" by using slurs. Queen Badu's got better things to do.

Azealia: It's cool when you go after Iggy, because obviously. But this is Erykah fucking Badu. Show some respect.