
Have you ever even SEEN anything Rick has been in?

I love him because he's a great songwriter, and one of my all-time favorite lyricists. Very talented and sexy.

He does look good. He's not a vampire, but he did play one on tv….

Yes. He played Dr. Noah Drake from spring of 1981 to January of 1983, and he returned briefly off and on from 2006 to around 2009.

No, you should not be worried. Rick is a fine actor who has done a lot of tv work, mostly made for tv movies, and a syndicated tv show called High Tide that ran for three seasons, and summer replacement series Human Target, where he played comic book hero Christopher Chance. It was rather cool. Silent Motive was one

He's only a punch line to idiots who don't know what's going on…

I don't think so…but I know Richard Page from Mr. Mister sang back up on most of that album. Great album.

I love it when Friends fans randomly drop treasured one-liners!