
Thanks for one more reason why I’m glad I quit law school!

I’m glad you found the answer! I had one gyn who said oh well fibroids are a dime a dozen, who cares. I subsequently switched doctors. The new one was a bit better about taking my pain seriously, but she still didn’t do much followup work.

I do have a fibroid or two actually. Apparently they are small, so they said an IUD will help with the pain. It has certainly helped reduce the bleeding, but not the urine issues. Maybe I should ask for a repeat ultrasound to see if they’ve grown. 

As others have said, mental health treatment in America is only for the middle class. If you’re poor, you can’t afford it. If you’re rich, you can reshape reality enough to avoid ever feeling like you need treatment. That seems to be what Kanye’s doing. Might explain some of his affinity for Trump, they’re kindred

It’s almost like this guy has never taken a test or something? Like he’s never taken the SATs or a college exam in his life, the way he’s going on and on about this “test.”  

What is:please order this list of things that matter to Trump, starting with the least important.”

So, I administer the MOCA a lot. As a clinician, I consider the MOCA more useful as a screening tool than a proper, full assessment, which is why I dislike it. However, it’s so easy and quick to administer, that I use it in a pinch. It’s not psychometrically appropriate to determine whether or not a person has

Demi! Too high. Too far. Too soon. Four months is usually when the relationship is still in the honeymoon stage. I hope I am very wrong, but I simply adore her and am rooting for her continued happiness. Also why isn’t female incontinence take more seriously? I’ve had no children, and I occasionally pee when I

The problem is that these folks don’t want a white paradise that excludes people of color, they want to subjugate us, exploit us for cheap labor and culture while denying us of equality. That’s their utopia. 

the internet, blissfully, didn’t exist”

“If things stay on track,” Ayla warned on Instagram, “one day, Sweet Valley Twins books will be illegal for featuring two blond, straight, skinny, girls, whose parents were still married and live in a place called Sweet Valley, where there were no mall shootings, no illegals, no homosexuals*, no transgenders, no

we do value life. But you’re being absurd, if any of us had never been born then we would literally not be capable of knowing. I wouldn’t be some forlorn free spirit floating about, wishing I had been born. I wouldn’t exist, period. There would be no “me” to care about it. 

I mean, this is the same guy that proudly exclaimed that he doesn’t read, so should any of that be a surprise?

Doesn’t make you a bad person, it just means you have no taste. Those are literally the ugliest shoes on the planet.

One thing this ongoing car wreck of a story is teaching me is that it’s totally possible for both sides to be scumbags. It’s not an either/or proposition.

Number of cops fired for mocking Elijah McClain: 4

I guess it’s probably time to finally take down that statue of Ramses II that we erected on Long Island back in the 20s.

“I’m Jewish and my ancestors were also slaves”

I mean, I have on the wall of my conference room, I’ve got an anti-slavery broadsheet, the abolitionist broadsheet from 1832.