Honey Harlaquin
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Eugene and Dan play father and son on Schitt’s Creek, which they created and Dan writes. Just binge the whole thing. You won’t be sorry.

I purchased Noah Reid’s cover of Simply the Best on iTunes. I’m that much of a fangirl. 

Hey, I’d recap it for free for AV Club if only to get more people to watch. I bought the fourth season on Amazon, too, and I am counting down to the forthcoming Christmas special and fifth season.

The fact that the majority of this conversation will be white men explaining why they hated the film and how they totally are within their right to so so, instead of about how a hostile foreign power utilized their hate and entitlement to help erode democracy and justify harassment says pretty much everything.

The fact that the majority of this conversation will be white men explaining why they hated the film and how they totally are within their right to so so, instead of about how a hostile foreign power utilized their hate and entitlement to help erode democracy and justify harassment says pretty much everything.

It’s one of the more bizarre casting choices. I know they probably expected Depp to mince around and do what he did in the Pirates films, but damn Farrell would have crushed the role, and he and Law would have had scorching chemistry. The latter fact is probably why they wouldn’t let Farrell stay on. 

CDAN publishes tons of Russian disinformation and its comments section is filled with obvious Russian trolls who insist that Trump is going to have Hillary Clinton and her ring of pedophiles arrested any day now. That should tell you everything. No self respecting person should ever visit them - and I used to, I

It’s not a hand if it was cheated. The voting rights act was gutted. Merrick Garland was not seated. Hundreds of thousands of votes of all colors were suppressed in urban areas primarily. They fucking cheated, and white men blame the woman.

3% is not a vast majority. 17% is, which is the spread for white men, but women get it thrown in their face day and night whereas white men get the white male establishment saying it was because Hillary failed....something something. We get it, women are deviants and racists but white men are just hurting economically

The movie was a success, yes and Hillary won the popular vote, too. But tell that to the internet. 

White men couldn’t handle a Star Wars movie that didn’t put their needs first above all else, they certainly weren’t going to allow a President that wanted them to be equal to others. 

Stein voters, Bernie Bros, Trump voters are all cut from the same cloth - what I want and what benefits me is the simple solution to fixing everything and f*ck everyone else. Anyone who dares suggest the world is complicated, solutions must be implemented with care and listening to other people - will slandered and

I couldn’t have said it better myself. 

Hillary Clinton once warned Barack Obama that Republicans are evil and you can’t work with them. She was right, as she was right about many things. F*ck anyone who doesn’t heed her warning and insists on reaching out. They are Nazis. 

Three months in the hospital is no joke. I truly hope he recovers fully. 

I did miss the Peter/Sam friendship, and you make a great point that Sam could have more strongly objected to toying with the Turd Burglar once they had him. I don’t think Peter understood the consequences, but it would have been nice to see them explored once he did understand. Unexpected consequences are real thing

My weekend has been a poop culture weekend, having binged American Vandal II. 

Absolutely! She was the wrong choice. Governor is a non-entry level position that requires a depth of knowledge and experience she simply didn’t have. Also, Nixon showed over and over again that she was unclear who the base of the democratic party was and she showed a lot of rich lady naivete. And she didn’t release

Trump only collaborated with a hostile foreign power to steal the presidency, it’s not like he wore a tan suit. I say that a lot. 

Remember, the most important things though: private email servers, flag pins, tan suits and whether or not someone can be too prepared to be President.