
This isn’t my story, but a friend’s. Still, it’s a comforting ghost story, and I always appreciate seeing one or two of those in a thread like this.

I currently live in Houston but grew up about a mile outside of a small, coal mining town in north central West Virginia. According to the most recent Census our population is about 375 people - meaning, everybody knows everybody, including the people who lived outside of the main street-is kind of area. The house

My work in tissue transplantation would naturally make most people think that creepy things must happen all the time. In reality, I rarely feel uneasy with what I am doing, and in fact have done the procedures so many times, it takes a lot to make me feel uncomfortable. One incident, I published previously. The

Maybe this isn’t exactly the stuff nightmares are made of, but it sure spooked me!

This isn’t my story, but my cousin Matt swears this happened to him and his wife in Bellingham, WA a few years ago. At first I didn’t believe him, as we tell scary stories every year at our annual beach family vacation, but I’ve asked him a couple of times when it was just him and I if it is true, and he assures me it

Here is a story about how I am a scaredy cat and probably shouldn’t read Jezebel’s annual scary story post.

Not a paranormal story, but I was incredibly creeped out by this.

In January of 2013, I moved into my (then) boyfriend’s outwardly cute 60s era house. I live in Oregon, so I’m used to gloomy, dark winters, but for some reason, this house had a tendency to magnify those vibes. It had a very solemn quality—even when the sun shone through the windows, it still felt somehow…sad. And

When I was 10 my parents moved us from air force base housing to a split level home they bought rather cheaply. I remember having to stay with my godfather for a few months, because the house was a bit unlivable and needed repairs before we moved in. Every day my sister and I would be stuck in the big empty house

I don’t have a scary story, I do however have a very freaky photo that I took on a trip to Myanmar (Burma) last year...It was taken in the Shwedagon Temple complex in Yangon, and I swear I saw nothing until I got home and uploaded it onto my computer. Of course the explaination can be that it’s just someone looking

I posted this a couple of years ago but it never got out of the treys. Might as well give it another try:

Here, for a change, is the other side of a scary story (or not-so-scary story, in this case).

So I have no recollection of this particular incident, but my aunt still goes white when it gets brought up, so here goes.

I have been following these stories and finally decided to share mine though it might not be that scary.

I was napping in our guest room one Monday morning when I woke up to hearing someone running up and down the stairs, and the swishing of track pants. ‘Give me five minutes Daniel,’ I said, assuming it was my son. Then I sat up with a start - it was Monday. My son was in school. The footsteps and swishing continued. I

I was probably eight years old or so, when I went with my grandmother to visit one of her very good friends. She was a lovely, kind women. She lived in a cozy, tidy little house. As my grandmother visited with her friend, I wandered around and played by myself until they were done with there visit. I remember there

I told my mom’s story a few years ago and I think it was an honorable mention. That story still creeps me out but here’s one from my childhood that I actually witnessed.

Not really a ghost story per se, but kind of spooky, and hopefully doesn’t doxx myself. A few months ago, I had this really weird dream that I thought at the time was a childhood memory. I was a kid in the car with my sister and my mom, and we were on our way to our great aunt’s house for a picnic with her extended

Yes, I have been waiting for this! I’ve always been away before, but this time I am ready, though I’m in the grays. Oh well.