
Following this advice guarantees no promotions or job advancements.

People are arguing over masks because for four months, we’ve been receiving conflicting information about them from the CDC, the media, and you.

Vitamin C stops a cold in its tracks. Yes, yes... I know that so-called “experts”, you know, like doctors and PhD researchers and people like that, say it isn’t so, but I know they’re wrong. At the first sign of a cold I drop about 2 grams of chewable C, and the next morning it’s like it never happened.

Vitamin C stops a cold in its tracks. Yes, yes... I know that so-called “experts”, you know, like doctors and PhD

www.listentoamovie.com I find that putting on a movie that I’ve seen a zillion times works great. Using that site you don’t have the light from the TV to bother you. I can “watch” the movie in my head because I’ve seen it so many times, and it also doesn’t keep me awake wondering “what’s next?” because, again, I’ve