
Pussy motherfucking Power is all I gots to say.

You can’t even say the word vagina and you want people to believe you’re not easily offended? Grow up!

I’m not a sportsball fan, but I tuned in just to see the halftime show. I legit choked up when I saw JLo wrapped up in the Puerto Rican/US flag, the kids in cages, her daughter and that kid’s choir joining in for a few lines of “Born in the USA.” I thought all of this was the biggest F-U to the Trump administration

It’s a zaghareet, a Middle Eastern ululation (Shakira’s half Lebanese). Sometimes the person doing it will hold their hand just above their lips to hide the tongue motion. But that’s how you make the sound.

I’m not easily offended

Loved it! Of course some people will be upset because they shook what their mama gave them and how dare they do that when children were just previously watching grown men in tight pants run around a field and violently hit eachother.

sounds like a fun party

“It’s easy for us living in big cities to forget about the rest of the world,” he remarked before he left. “You don’t see it every day.”

Big cities in America are typically its most culturally diverse places. The places where you’re truly exposed to most of the world. It’s truly sad that people with so much wealth use

And much of the "Not Hillary" vote was actually "Not any woman" and I think few on Jez forget that.

“I just rented a baby,” he reported, holding the child from its midsection with both hands and spinning a little.

“I just rented a baby.”

Well, if Meghan wants to sleep with common people, people like me; I’ll be happy to help her out.

The WaPo article cited as the source here says otherwise.

This is an outsider’s take, which makes sense.

Just to clarify, almost all UMC churches in the USA are pro-LGBT. There was a big kerfluffle at the last General Conference (their big worldwide meeting of the year) about it. They voted to enact a “Traditional Plan” (which is not pro LGBT) by a close vote (53%-47%). US churches voted 76% against the “Traditional

Same thoughts here! More spiritual than religious these days, but I grew up in the UMC and was always proud that our church was progressive and welcoming to all kinds of people, especially in my small backwards town. Gay? Cool. Recovering drug addict? No prob. Divorced? Who wasn’t in that town... I’m still comfortable

I realize that Christian churches tend to get ridiculed on Jezebel, but The United Methodist Church, historically, has been pretty progressive for a mainstream Christian organization. In the 1970s, it supported ERA and women’s right to abortion. In the 19th Century, the church opposed slavery, while supporting women’s

Welcome to Costco.  I love you.

Whoever thought the British were all about quiet desperation clearly never met my former in-laws. One of my favourite (????) incidents was when my MIL kicked my FIL in the arse right before Easter dinner because he was stoking the fire incorrectly, and nearly kicked him into the hearth. He brandished the poker at her