
Are you sure?

Why, though? Why shouldn't she be able to throw an "awesome huge party for all her friends and family" for some other equally valid celebratory reason and which would also involve her being the center of attention for something she has done or achieved? I resist the notion that the only time a woman can freely

"And it all started with some rather irresponsible e-mails about Bridget's non-existent skirt."

Cool story.

He's baaaaack kids! Cracking my knuckles.

Granted, Dan Savage is maybe not the best source, but I love how he answers the "anal means I'll indiscriminately shit everywhere, right?" question.

"Studies are mostly bullshit..."

I'm going to go for the low hanging fruit here: your "anecdote" about gay men and fecal incontinence is some homophobic bullshit. The human body is very good at taking care of itself, and western medicine is decent at taking up the slack. Anal trauma is fairly common (see: everyone with hemorrhoids) because

It's such a beautifully batshit sentence. The first part makes me hope this guy starts a "Save the Anuses" campaign. The second part makes me wonder why this guy's porn involves psychologists telling sex workers about someone's trauma. Whatever gets your rocks off, dude.

Tell us more about stretched anuses.


I don't think it's prejudiced to say that people who seek psychiatric help have psychiatric issues. I say this as someone who's seen quite a few therapists in my time.

Yeah, the "gay men need their butts fixed" should be a huge surprise to most gay men. Guy is a trolllll.

1. You work in psychology, therefore there is a clear selection bias in the kinds of sex workers you end up meeting.

Yes. This.

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.

It's like a modern day Shroud of Turin.

I made you a venn diagram to simplify it for you:

Ah yes. The lavender extension. A symbol of humility popularized by Buddhist Monks, that they were only allowed to clip in after 6 months of solitude. Not to be confused with the neon bumpit.

All I saw.