
I paid for that movie twice for Leo. Otherwise, the action didn't hit until the last hour and why else would I sit through that movie?

Well, damn. Let me get reacquainted with my Kegels. I'm not drinking a single drop when these movies premiere.

Yeah, mostly shot in Toronto. But, they clearly had establishing shots in Philly (my hometown). I think that drew me to the show more than anything. Though I did like the backstory moments.

I respect Brian Wilson and his innovations (They're pretty kick ass), but my ears adore The Beatles and George Martin's work more.

Sgt. Pepper's.

What does people have against Marnie? It's not bad. It's better than Family Plot.

The more the merrier

Goodbye, Pretty Pretty.

Underground's the best song from the album. So many fans discuss Magic Dance. But, I love Underground since the movie's premiere. I still do not understand how this movie flopped.

I watched it. It wasn't a bad show.

Michael Jackson and Led Zeppelin without a doubt. Having picked those two, there were many more acts I wished I witnessed live (e.g. Jimi Hendrix).


Mansplaining is when a man explains what a woman, often well-versed in the topic, already knows in an attempt to over-talk her. It's often done in a condescending tone. When you hear a man say "Well, actually…", expect some mansplaining to occur.

Oh, please. Identity politics created America. Don't try to spin it like some only child forced to share after mommy and daddy brings home a new bundle of joy.

White men are being shitted on? Really? That's a comedic movie waiting to happen.

I found the movie pretty "meh". The best parts occurred on the island. The movie's a bit too long, boring in the middle, and Gal is a bit dry as WW. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm not going to say it's a great movie because women are involved. I am glad it's a blockbuster, albeit one with shortcomings.

I loved Night Court. I'd watch it with my mother and got the jokes. It had its own flavor. It didn't go for the family crowd and it didn't run after the lowest common denominator. John Larroquette's character was a pig without apology and I liked how they rotated the female baliffs, even though two died from cancer.

Amped was a good show. Thanks for bringin up.


I had no idea it was a sitcom or a parody. I actually thought it was a documentary. Thanks for clearing that up.