
Thank you for perfectly articulating how wrong this whole mess feels and for standing up against the bullies. Why does a debate between educated adults always end up involving insults and put downs around here?

This is depressing. What's the point of ever even accepting yourself the way you are if someone already nice-average looking undergoes drastic surgery and looks gorgeous?

Well thank you for the question. Not to split hairs beyond what you've asked, but first there is a distinction for me between disapproving and condescending... as you might deduce I am very invested in animal issues, and bitterly opposed to hunting. So I disapprove – quite extremely – of hunting, but I don't feel

She claims she had a miscarriage before Blue. Assuming that was true — which, let's be real, who knows with these two — then she probably would be advised against so much exercise in the 1st trimester.

I'm glad the conversation was informative. There are a lot of misconceptions, pun not intended, about pregnancy. As a person who has not been pregnant, it is natural that you may not be aware that exercise is generally safe. I did use the term "concern trolling," but if you look back at the thread, you will notice

Yes, we minimize the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on women and our lack of support and maternity leave for new mothers is horrific. But on the opposite side of the coin, pregnant women are constantly judged and monitored. Everything they do is wrong. I still remember when Natalie Portman and Emily Deschanel

Yeah, it was incredible. She was also a tiny woman, carrying big and LOW, so it made for a really impressive sight. They nabbed her at the finish line to do a story on her (obviously), which is how I know she gave birth three days later.

As long as you feel OK and don't have complications, you can continue your usual activity level while pregnant. You just shouldn't dramatically ramp up your exercise when you get pregnant (e.g., a non-runner deciding to train for a marathon). Remember the Olympic runner who recently ran the 800 m at 34 weeks

Whatever you do before pregnancy you can do during pregnancy. So if you are a runner, then you can continue to run while pregnant. If you are sedentary, pregnancy is not the time to take up running. The idea that being pregnant means that you don't do anything strenuous or exercise at all is really antiquated and

You shouldnt start new intense exercises when pregnant but when its your lifestyle your body is used to and prepared for it. like the pregnant joggers you see around.

I thought the same thing. I feel like all the dancing she did at the VMAs would turn the fetus into fetus soup.

Remember when she got the Billboard Awards, performing "Run the World (Girls)" for the first time too, with all the complicated computer graphics and such? She was pregnant with Blue at the time.

I'm up to 15 weeks, and the nausea and exhaustion just eased up in the last week. Hang in there, it likely will for you soon too! Also, can we talk about how psyched I am that I may be having a baby around the same time as both Beyoncé and Duchess Kate? I feel like such a dork to be this excited about it.

You don't have to stop doing what your normal routine is. Exercise is actually pretty healthy for a pregnancy. Runners can still run, dancers can still dance, etc. That is, of course, taking into consideration a healthy pregnancy; complications are a whole other matter.

Nope, you can do pretty much what you want provided you're already used to doing it. She must be incredibly fit already. That doesn't stop me being incredibly jealous since I was also fit when I got knocked up but was in pain pretty much throughout my pregnancy. Grumble.

It's not an illness but it is a medical condition, and it can definitely be a delicate one within the first months.

I'm no expert, but I think it's just unusual amounts of exercise. Like, you can do what you've always done for pretty far into the pregnancy (and obviously doing a show is relatively par for the course for Beyonce), and then, while you have to tone it down a bit, you can keep exercising through the whole thing as

depends on the person and pregnancy. I ran a 1/2 marathon when I was 3 months along and continued to run until I was 7 months and to weight lift until I was 8.5 months. I'm not particularly a badass but lucked out with an easy pregnancy.