
That would have kinda ruined the whole point . You know the whole first black owned record company thing which is a big part of the story line thing . Yea

He was caught and confessed .

Nice meeting you ^-^!

Nice try .

Honestly I couldn't care less .

Because you were there ?

And so are the accusations against Mr.Howard .

Oh so you were there when he as beating women ? Why didn't you stop him ? I'm so sick of people like you , you don't know that man you don't know what he's done. You take accusations for fact nothing like that makes me sick . Get of your high horse .That's the most irritating thing on the planet people like you ruin

I hope it is Jamals kid honestly .

He was trying to defuse the situation . Oliva told Jamal she didn't know who the father was .

He was trying to save Jamal and cookies life .

He's not , oliva says she has no idea who the father is and theirs a possibly that it's Jamal's but probably not .

Yea they were gonna expose her debt situation which would have ruined something apparently lol .

Olives has no idea who the father is . Lucious said he was to protect his family .

Terrence has never killed anyone or sold drugs . But I guess supposedly smacking your girlfriend once or twice is worse then that .

Stop it , you don't watch the show over one Actor ? Are you kidding me ? Get over yourself .

His father loves him and he knows that . He's just struggling with people knowing his son is gay .He thinks it's somethig to be ashamed off . And Jamals trying to prove him wrong is all .


Im just gonna make a guess here . You don't like al sharpton very much do you ? Morgan freeman is more your type of guy right ?

I'm glad to hear that . Unfortunately their are allot of white people who will not watch anything featuring black people in the lead .and to make matter worse black people don't have allot of good shows to begin with but I'll definitely check out that Luther show because I've been hearing about it for a while now