
Waaaah. Like that shit was coming a mile off. Jesus.

Funny, I read this and then watched Frank Whaley play out almost the exact same scene on Luke Cage. You might be on to something hereā€¦

It's getting to the point where I can't read the comments section of this site without being subjected to filthy bad puns. I mean, COME ON PEOPLE!

MGH performance is melodramatic scene chewing. The performance is (and is supposed to be) completely over-the-top, but I'd hardly call it great (read nuanced, artful) acting.

Actually I believe just this one time it's not Obama's fault. Martin Scorsese skewed the numbers this year by making his latest Leo flick 17 hours long.

My Super Ex-Girlfriend really holds up nicely to repeated viewings. The subtext is bountiful, yo. Bountiful.

Donna, I will miss your reviews and recaps and theories almost as much as I will miss the show itself. We can all only hope that another show will present itself worthy of your grand write-ups and our devoted following.