
He stops when he hears someone coughing. They do eat freshly killed things.

Walkers only eat things alive or freshly killed- including all types of animals.
If a brain is eaten there is no reanimation.
Animals do not reanimate- bitten or not- because it is a human virus that causes the reanimation.
Established in previous seasons and reiterated in this chapter- walkers are also dying

Lol- for me the walkers eating guts is nothing- the dangling of rats, however, always come to me when I try to eat chicken, yuck! I pedal through. Then again, I still believe that the author of this review doesn't get the show at all- for instance- comic relief comes at times and kinda harsh comic relief- but that

Exactly the point I was trying to make.

She grew up in a farm in Georgia, we don't even know what year they live in. But if you want we can change it to Robin Thicke's blurred lines. Oh, wait that is why teenagers don't get to write the scripts, lest Hanah Montana makes an appearance.

And of course it is the messed up girl who is feeding the walkers with rats- she wants a "pet". And a good twist would be that Carol murdered the 2 people who fell sick. Though they will probably go with the combat medic.

Just like when they covered themselves (1st season) in zombie blood and guts so they could could walk through an army of zombies, having them next to you masks your smell. Camouflage.

You do know they don't force you to watch the show, right?

Did you see the whole thing? Andrea is doing that because she needs that walker to be unable to bite her so she can use him to go through "walker infested" territory. For a series that is about survivors in a post-zombie holocaust there is little gory- although Sunday's episode was probably the goriest of them all.

They are attracted by sound- established in first episode. Reason why they prefer to kill them with knives.

So, you are saying Otis was a pig? Rough man, rough.

Because he thinks the pigs are infected- then again- slaughter them and make sausages- one pig for zombie crowd should be the new rule of thumb.

This writer is suffering from "Breaking bad" withdrawal symptoms and obviously doesn't get the show if he thinks the show is about being gory.