
Look at all that white privilege and disgusting whiteness

Yeah it happens all the time in reality which is why you have to rely on an obviously fake video to make your point and "raise awareness".

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

except that it was all fake and you are so stupid and naive (like all SJWs) that you fell for it

"derailing" is Social Justice Warrior jargon meaning "quit confusing us with the facts"

Hey everyone it is the naive SJW who got duped by an obvious hoax! We knew you would be here because it is Jezebel and that's pretty much the only people who are here

"video itself is flawed because" it has been proven to be a TOTAL HOAX

no, it was actually all a hoax and they were all actors, and you are the stupid naive person that believed it

LOL you stereotypically naive white Social Justice Warrior "progressives" got duped by this obviously fake horse shit. Go back to college dumbass

Why do blacks, in the USA and all over the world, wherever they are found, commit such astoundingly disproportionate amounts of rape?

All good feminists and Social Justice Warriors have faith in their bleeding hearts that women never ever never never ever never ever ever lie about rape.