HFV has no HFV. But somehow has 2 motorcycles

It hasn’t been confirmed, but I don’t think Honda would miss an opportunity to bring it here. 

Perhaps the 10mm longer wheelbase will make it more stable at speed. LOL

Depending on you’re size/weight; 125 basically top out near 60mph, this one maybe a little less.

The Super Cub goes from fantastic to frightening above 50. Like a light switch.

I would not take this on roads over 35-40mph.

Darn. I thought you were going to say that it’s coming to the US. I’ve been lusting after an On/Off Road underbone ever since I found out about the Honda CrossCub.

If you were an investor, I suspect the moment you saw the trunnel was when you realized you were definitely not getting your money back.

Now that’s what I call a fastback. And as someone who works at an aerospace company, pretty much nobody would care about this thing other than the limited number of weirdo car nerds (jalopnik readers).

Paint it, big wheels, and slam it on bags!

For only $3,000 you can out-weird your coworker’s cybertruck.

Probably same ad agency who came up with the poorly timed “Coming Ashore Soon” slogan for Corona seltzer water.

I’d be lying if I said “flatten the curve” didn’t make me think of the Dukes of Hazard.

As someone who has had to deal with “clever” marketing ideas for a couple of decades, I am pretty sure they meant it as a play on words, that is, it handles curves in the road nicely, thus making them seem flatter.

Should we bail out people, so they can afford to get back to life as normal, and maybe even buy some cars like normal to re-stimulate the economy?

Businesses across the board are all going to close. Especially the bars and social venues. Another thing to consider is that with all the businesses closing up, how long with they be able to pay their employees, if they even do? Those employees are really going to feel it and in turn, consumerism will stop and

Back in 2008, there was a giant Chevy Dealer in town. Biggest dealership for a long way. You name the color, the options, the model, they had 10 of them. And they were epic douchenozzles

Maybe I can buy that Toyota Tacoma that I always wanted without any price adjustments here in the Bay area

That’s a lot of undercoating 

don’t forget to wash your hands with gas!

Instead of checks, why not buy everyone a new car? Problems solved!