
Only on Jalopnik:

Ugh. I want a GTI so badly but I don’t think that I could in good conscience buy anything from any of those manufacturers.

Is the Diesel challenge going to become a thing now?

No it’s not, but thanks for proving my point.

Please take a moment and think about how horrible the new Lexus style grill will be on an LFA, especially since they will have to go supercar level with that predator mouth.

I don’t expect this to rise to new Supra speculation levels.

Good thing they hit a cop.
Because if they hit a regular person, the NYPD wouldn’t even pick up the phone or allow you to file a report.


Look at them, if we had a dead driver this situation would instead be an anti police circle jerk over on the Root.

Too bad we dont have a dead driver to talk about....... Lock him up for good for attempted murder.

Maybe just stick with a “dumb” house.

Because Apple users are a lot more likely to take this lying down.

The Chevy Cruze issued to me by the United States government for the purposes of carrying out my daily military duties has the capacity for both Android Auto and Apple CarPlay.

It never occurred to me they companies CHARGED for CarPlay/ Android Auto. Mind = blown.

Well I am going to say this as a BMW rider/owner since birth (I mean it literally. My childhood is an orgy of bmws from E 21 to E 46 encompassing every generation of 3,5 and 7 in that period). And I owned a E90 for 11 years.

Thanks for posting a pic of the gorgeous women for me to look at on my lunch break. That one in the middle hubba hubba.

I’d think Alanis would have included something in her story where grid girls were being underpaid/overworked/sexually assaulted, anything with substance other than, OMG I’m so outraged bc reasons.

But what about all the women that enjoy cheerleading? We should fuck them over “in their best interest”?

How about you just fuk off already? Who the fuk are you to determine what “Motorsports, or any other sport’s” purpose is or is not? That’s a consumer choice. It’s always amusing how willing certain segments of the population are to jump at the chance to impose their beliefs and morality onto a broad group of

I’m curious if you are also against cheerleaders in the NFL/NBA/ etc... Or models in general.