
There are some text logs you can find in the caldrons that explain it. IIRC the human populations were hunting machines at a rate that was interfering with Hephaestus’ terraforming directives. Without the other priorities GAIA and the other AI’s it jumped to the obvious: exterminate the problem species.

I used to preorder stuff from amazon but I’m pretty sure I literally never got anything on time so I stopped and just started walking to best buy.

90% is right smack dab in the lowest part of the uncanny valley. I thought both Tarkin and Leia looked fine when they weren’t moving but as soon as either start talking it looks like a video game, which is super awkward when they’re supposed to be interacting with other actual real people. I wish they would just

Bland, unmemorable crap does really well at the box office these days. See also: The Force Awakens, every marvel movie.