
Not exactly sci-fi but I've been trying to preach the gospel of Hannibal wherever possible. Bryan Fuller said that even though it gets low ratings, NBC keeps picking it up is because of how much cheaper it is to film over other network dramas.

Awesome advice. Thanks a ton. I'll check the links out and definitely look into the book you mentioned. Even though I would like to dabble in digital art, I think traditional art appeals to me most. Thanks again!

Oh sweet! I forgot about this little thing. Thanks!

I'll jot that all down. Just because I always assumed there was an established (albeit even if it's not unanimous) order of difficulty. I mean, everyone knows you don't try to tackle a Hendrix solo the moment you come back from buying your first guitar.

You're making a lot of sense. I mean, I've been sketching on and off my whole life—so I understand basic shading techniques, perspective, stuff like that. But when it comes time to put a brush on paper, I have no idea what to even do or where to even start. I've been afraid to start because I don't want to pick up bad

Real inquiry: I've heard all my life that art classes are useless unless you're already moderately skilled. If I wanted to start painting, what the hell could I do? Do I just go to a hobby shop and pick up some supplies? Grab a few books on color theory? Sign up for classes at a community college?

Agreed—and that's coming from a fanboy. I also nominate "2DS" just because I have had to explain to people that it does indeed still play 3DS games and it's not exactly the 2nd iteration of the DS line as the name implies.

Google+ once AutoAwesome'd a collage of my selfies and dick pics and automatically uploaded them to the wasteland that is my G+ profile. I would have been worried if I thought anyone had actually seen them. I was actually more amused.

My Peach Amiibo absolutely kills my Little Mac. I trained her almost exclusively using him.

I thought the NBC logo was colorful because they were one of the first to break into color TV back when that was a thing.

Except that's not what's happening at all. Google news works a lot like google search: you tell it what you're interested in and it spits out a bunch of daily links for you to read. Free traffic for these companies, really. It would be like if people demanded Twitter pay them when their hashtags trend.

I think he actually guest starred. At least, that's what South Park's facebook had me believe.

I do [Name of Band/Artist][Year of Release][Title of Record]. No spaces, but uses CamelCasing. I do a little extra something that I won't mention here cus I'm super paranoid but a password might look something like "TaylorSwift20141989" for example.

He does this for every one of the prequel movies and the reviews are split into several parts. I sincerely recommend you take the time to watch them all. They're worth it. And the little "side story" is actually kinda creepy/funny. He also reviews other random movies, too.

It can also be genetics. Some people are blessed with great butts from the get-go. But really, look at any runners or lifters who dont do much beyond squats and deadlifts. Flat as as the state of Kansas.

Male glutes are different than that of females. The more men work out there ass, the tighter it gets, not rounder. You can do certain workouts like glute bridges / hip thrusts for a bubblier ass but it's something you have to go out of your way to do and doesn't happen naturally. I think Blizz was trying to give Belfs

It's okay to zoom all the way in to get a closer look. It's an aussie swimsuit company. Google image search the name of the brand for some good fun.

Is there such a thing as the "voluptuous man?"

Oh, yeah. That's why I said "purchase" because I mean... what you describe is stealing. Which... negates the entire reason for paying for a service. Why not just download high quality MP3s and just save yourself the $25 a year? It's the same thing, really.

Apples and oranges, man. iTunes Match only uhh... matches music already in your library. In order for you to listen to something, you have to have already purchased it or "purchased" it. Spotify opens its entire library for you to stream from without you needing to have the music file anywhere on your